16 research outputs found

    Residual Parameter Transfer for Deep Domain Adaptation

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    The goal of Deep Domain Adaptation is to make it possible to use Deep Nets trained in one domain where there is enough annotated training data in another where there is little or none. Most current approaches have focused on learning feature representations that are invariant to the changes that occur when going from one domain to the other, which means using the same network parameters in both domains. While some recent algorithms explicitly model the changes by adapting the network parameters, they either severely restrict the possible domain changes, or significantly increase the number of model parameters. By contrast, we introduce a network architecture that includes auxiliary residual networks, which we train to predict the parameters in the domain with little annotated data from those in the other one. This architecture enables us to flexibly preserve the similarities between domains where they exist and model the differences when necessary. We demonstrate that our approach yields higher accuracy than state-of-the-art methods without undue complexity

    On Rendering Synthetic Images for Training an Object Detector

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    We propose a novel approach to synthesizing images that are effective for training object detectors. Starting from a small set of real images, our algorithm estimates the rendering parameters required to synthesize similar images given a coarse 3D model of the target object. These parameters can then be reused to generate an unlimited number of training images of the object of interest in arbitrary 3D poses, which can then be used to increase classification performances. A key insight of our approach is that the synthetically generated images should be similar to real images, not in terms of image quality, but rather in terms of features used during the detector training. We show in the context of drone, plane, and car detection that using such synthetically generated images yields significantly better performances than simply perturbing real images or even synthesizing images in such way that they look very realistic, as is often done when only limited amounts of training data are available

    Flight Dynamics-based Recovery of a UAV Trajectory using Ground Cameras

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    We propose a new method to estimate the 6-dof trajectory of a flying object such as a quadrotor UAV within a 3D airspace monitored using multiple fixed ground cameras. It is based on a new structure from motion formulation for the 3D reconstruction of a single moving point with known motion dynamics. Our main contribution is a new bundle adjustment procedure which in addition to optimizing the camera poses, regularizes the point trajectory using a prior based on motion dynamics (or specifically flight dynamics). Furthermore, we can infer the underlying control input sent to the UAV's autopilot that determined its flight trajectory. Our method requires neither perfect single-view tracking nor appearance matching across views. For robustness, we allow the tracker to generate multiple detections per frame in each video. The true detections and the data association across videos is estimated using robust multi-view triangulation and subsequently refined during our bundle adjustment procedure. Quantitative evaluation on simulated data and experiments on real videos from indoor and outdoor scenes demonstrates the effectiveness of our method

    Vision-based detection of aircrafts and UAVs

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are becoming increasingly popular for a broad variety of tasks ranging from aerial imagery to objects delivery. With the expansion of the areas, where drones can be efficiently used, the collision risk with other flying objects increases. Avoiding such collisions would be a relatively easy task, if all the aircrafts in the neighboring airspace could communicate with each other and share their location information. However, it is often the case that either location information is unavailable (e.g. flying in GPS-denied environments) or communication is not possible (e.g. different communication channels or non-cooperative flight scenario). To ensure flight safety in this kind of situations drones need a way to autonomously detect other objects that are intruding the neighboring airspace. Visual-based collision avoidance is of particular interest as cameras generally consume less power and are more lightweight than active sensor alternatives such as radars and lasers. We have therefore developed a set of increasingly sophisticated algorithms to provide drones with a visual collision avoidance capability. First, we present a novel method for detecting flying objects such as drones and planes that occupy a small part of the camera field of view, possibly move in front of complex backgrounds, and are filmed by a moving camera. In order to be solved this problem requires combining motion and appearance information, as neither of the two alone is capable of providing reliable enough detections. We therefore propose a machine learning technique that operates on spatio- temporal cubes of image intensities where individual patches are aligned using an object-centric regression-based motion stabilization algorithm. Second, in order to reduce the need to collect a large training dataset and to manual annotate it, we introduce a way to generate realistic synthetic images. Given only a small set of real examples and a coarse 3D model of the object, synthetic data can be generated in arbitrary quantities and further used to supplement real examples for training a detector. The key ingredient of our method is that the synthetically generated images need to be as close as possible to the real ones not in terms of image quality, but according to the features, used by a machine learning algorithm. Third, though the aforementioned approach yields a substantial increase in performance when using Adaboost and DPM detectors, it does not generalize well to Convolutional Neural Networks, which have become the state-of-the-art. This happens because, as we add more and more synthetic data, the CNNs begin to overfit to the synthetic images at the expense of the real ones. We therefore propose a novel deep domain adaptation technique that allows efficiently combining real and synthetic images without overfitting to either of the two. While most of the adaptation techniques aim at learning features that are invariant to the possible difference of the images, coming from different sources (real and synthetic). Unlike those methods, we suggest modeling this difference with a special two-stream architecture. We evaluate our approach on three different datasets and show its effectiveness for various classification and regression tasks

    Flying Objects Detection from a Single Moving Camera

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    We propose an approach to detect flying objects such as UAVs and aircrafts when they occupy a small portion of the field of view, possibly moving against complex backgrounds, and are filmed by a camera that itself moves. Solving such a difficult problem requires combining both appearance and motion cues. To this end we propose a regression-based approach to motion stabilization of local image patches that allows us to achieve effective classification on spatio-temporal image cubes and outperform state-of-the-art techniques. As the problem is relatively new, we collected two challenging datasets for UAVs and Aircrafts, which can be used as benchmarks for flying objects detection and vision-guided collision avoidance

    Beyond Sharing Weights for Deep Domain Adaptation

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    The performance of a classifier trained on data coming from a specific domain typically degrades when applied to a related but different one. While annotating many samples from the new domain would address this issue, it is often too expensive or impractical. Domain Adaptation has therefore emerged as a solution to this problem; It leverages annotated data from a source domain, in which it is abundant, to train a classifier to operate in a target domain, in which it is either sparse or even lacking altogether. In this context, the recent trend consists of learning deep architectures whose weights are shared for both domains, which essentially amounts to learning domain invariant features. Here, we show that it is more effective to explicitly model the shift from one domain to the other. To this end, we introduce a two-stream architecture, where one operates in the source domain and the other in the target domain. In contrast to other approaches, the weights in corresponding layers are related but not shared. We demonstrate that this both yields higher accuracy than state-of-the-art methods on several object recognition and detection tasks and consistently outperforms networks with shared weights in both supervised and unsupervised settings

    Detecting Flying Objects using a Single Moving Camera

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    We propose an approach for detecting flying objects such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and aircrafts when they occupy a small portion of the field of view, possibly moving against complex backgrounds, and are filmed by a camera that itself moves. We argue that solving such a difficult problem requires combining both appearance and motion cues. To this end we propose a regression-based approach for object-centric motion stabilization of image patches that allows us to achieve effective classification on spatio-temporal image cubes and outperform state-of-the-art techniques. As this problem has not yet been extensively studied, no test datasets are publicly available. We therefore built our own, both for UAVs and aircrafts, and will make them publicly available so they can be used to benchmark future flying object detection and collision avoidance algorithms

    Direct Prediction of 3D Body Poses from Motion Compensated Sequences

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    We propose an efficient approach to exploiting motion information from consecutive frames of a video sequence to recover the 3D pose of people. Previous approaches typically compute candidate poses in individual frames and then link them in a post-processing step to resolve ambiguities. By contrast, we directly regress from a spatio-temporal volume of bounding boxes to a 3D pose in the central frame. We further show that, for this approach to achieve its full potential, it is essential to compensate for the motion in consecutive frames so that the subject remains centered. This then allows us to effectively overcome ambiguities and improve upon the state-of-the-art by a large margin on the Human3.6m, HumanEva, and KTH Multiview Football 3D human pose estimation benchmarks